"Companies need to focus their Export strategy on Growth markets having a plan for the Bric's is vital"
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Daikin Europe N.V. is the sales and manufacturing head quarter responsible for the air conditioner sales in Europe, some parts of Africa and the Middle East. Daikin Europe N.V.Daikin Europe N.V. was formed in 1973 in Ostend, Belgium. The intervening years have seen this facility progressively transformed into over 150,000m² and the most advanced air conditioning plant in Europe, producing equipment for markets as diverse as Norway and South Africa. The recent addition of European production facilities in Plsen and Brno in the Czech Republic have added to capacity and optimised lead times to all markets. The company has wholly owned affiliates in the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Poland, Central Europe, South Africa, The Netherlands and Sweden a network of independent distributors throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East and offices in Dublin, Moscow, Istanbul & Dubai. |