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Sulzer Pumps Ltd
Sulzer Pumps is a provider of innovative products and services who can satisfy your needs in centrifugal pumping. We offer our wide portfolio to business partners in the Oil & Gas and Hydrocarbon Processing Industries, to contractors and operators of Pulp & Paper mills and Power Generation Plants as well as for customers in the Water Treatment & Distribution, Food, Metals and Fertilizer businesses. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are located on all continents with sales offices, service centers and representatives in more than 150 countries around the globe.
Since pumping for us is not just a business but a passion, we operate the pump industry's widest network of service centers in order to support our clients in the operation of their pumping and other rotating equipment. Our services include training, preventive maintenance, spare parts, replacement pumps, retrofits, field services and repairs. In our research and development department we focus on hydraulics, cavitation, erosion, corrosion and mechanical design as well as product development, where our engineers work in close cooperation with our customers to implement innovative ideas for the improvement of products and processes throughout the total product lifecycle. Our ultimate goal is to offer each customer the pumping solution which best suits their requirements. Our expanded range of high-quality products includes both standard types and special tailor made designs. |