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Alstom supplies three wind farms to Brazil

Alstom will build and service three wind farms in Brazil for Brasventos SA under a €200 million contract.
By Renewable Energy Focus staff
The wind farms will be located in Rio Grande do Norte State (northeast region) and will have a forecasted production of 580 GWh annually from Alstom’s ECO 86 wind turbines.
The wind turbine are to be manufactured in Alstom's manufacturing plant in Bahia, Brazil, combined with partial supplies from Alstom's plant in Buñuel, Spain.
Alfonso Faubel, Alstom Power’s Wind business Vice President, says: “This contract, our biggest wind project in Brazil to date, is a great endorsement of our leading wind turbine technology and project execution capabilities. The projects will support the Government’s commitment to develop Brazil’s wind power market and further reinforces Alstom’s position as Brazil’s leading supplier of clean energy solutions.”
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