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Ammann opens proprietary plant in Brazil

The first asphalt mixing plants are already being assembled at the Ammann plant even though the final founding documents were only signed at the end of November. Ammann continues to pursue its expansion strategy to grow from an international to a global provider of road construction equipment and has invested in a new plant with an assembly area of 5,000 m2 and 300 m2 of office space in Gravataí, situated in the agglomeration of the southern Brazilian metropolis of Porto Alegre. The new plant was officially opened on 4 April 2013 in the presence of Dr Tarso Genro, governor of the federal state of Rio Grande do Sul, secretary of state Dr Mauro Knijnik, mayor of Gravataí Marco Alba, Swiss ambassador Wilhelm Meier and Hans-Christian Schneider, CEO of the Ammann Group; the event was accompanied by the applause of 230 invited guests. Ammann presented a selection of compaction machines, the complete range of pavers and the assembly process for the ultra-mobile asphalt mixing plant Prime 140 as part of the opening celebrations.
The mid-term strategy is to produce several dozens of asphalt mixing plants of the Prime 140 type at the plant each year alongside pavers and compaction machinery. The Brazilian unit is responsible for marketing the entire product range in Latin America, i.e. from Mexico across the entire Caribbean to Tierra del Fuego at the southern-most tip of Argentina, and will also provide customer care through its own Service Team.
Source of Press Release and image: http://www.simammann.it/en/metanavigation/news/news-detail/article/ammann-eroeffnet-eigenes-werk-in-brasilien/backPid/10559/
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