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Apple in the Brics Countries

The biggest company in the world the US technology giant Apple has signaled its intent for the Brics countries. Apple recently posted an increase in sales in China of over 48% with a turnover of $5.9 billion, the sales of iPhone more than doubled. China is the only country out of the Brics group where it has a direct presence with 6 retail outlets (includes Hong Kong). In the other 3 major Brics countries Brazil, Russia and India it sells through a 3rd party such as carrier partners or resellers.
In a statement by CEO Tim Cook he made it clear that China is the number market out of the Brics nation and Brazil was considered Apple's 2nd priority market out of the brick group. Brazil offers huge opportunities for Apple but they have not signaled their intent to open up retail outlets in Brazil as they have in China but for the foreseeable future they will still follow the carrier partners or reseller route to market.
According to a recent report in the Moscow News Apple has recently signed a new distribution subsidiary for the Russian market this will enable Apple to sell directly to the end user and not through a 3rd party reseller. More of a direct route to market will enable the Apple products to reach the consumers quicker.
Apple is seeing a quick improvement in Sales in the Bric countries and it's only in China where it has a direct retail presence so there is a lot more potential for Apple to grow their business in the Bric countries and with a combined population of over 2.9 billion there’s a lot of potential customers for Apple technology.
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