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Brazil increases Potash Consumption

2012 turned out to be a record year for Potash Consumption in Brazil with 8.1 million tonnes imported; this was the 2nd consecutive year that Brazil was the world's largest importer. The increase in demand for Potash is due to rising agricultural production where it’s estimated that 90% of imported Potash is used for making fertilizer for the agricultural Industry. Brazil's Bric Partner China is the 2nd largest user of Potash and India is 4th behind the USA as the world’s 3rd largest use of Potash.
Brazil is heavily reliant on Potash imports from Canada, Russia, Belarus and Jordan but it is still estimated to have the world’s 4th largest Potash reserves. Brazil needs to invest heavily in its own potash mines as they are currently under development, investment needs to focus on modern up to date mining technology better electrical links, port and mine-waste facilities and environmental licenses to build the mine and processing plants.
As the world’s leading producer of Coffee, Beef, Chicken, Orange juice, Sugar and Soya bean Brazil's agricultural sector is booming and is sure to continue with the growing world's population and the rise of the middle class in the developing world. Brazils agricultural sector is dependent on fertilizer to boast production as the soil in Brazil are mostly derived from ancient geological formation which therefore lack nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
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