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Bric Countries leading in "F-commerce"

Most Businesses are familiar with the term E-commerce which means selling online but western companies are falling behind companies in the Bric region in the use of behind "F-commerce" which is selling through the use of social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.
Two recent surveys suggest that companies in the Bric region up take on using social media to reach new and existing customers is far higher than companies in Western Europe and the US.
Business in the Bric Countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China is much better at harnessing the power of social media then companies in the more developed West. Companies from the Bric Partners are successfully using the chatter of social media and sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to develop your markets and new business and help them open up the all important international markets. Companies in the Bric region have tended to do better in their local markets now BricPartner see’s companies from the Bric region push for more business in Europe and the US. Social media is an excellent way for any company to reach potential customers as it offers a rapid route and it's reasonably inexpensive when compared to the more traditional ways of developing a new market such as having representatives on the ground there.
BricPartner has seen companies in the Bric region increasingly include F-commerce (Social media) as an important part of their marketing mix as it’s a faster and cheaper way of creating new business in foreign markets so they get more bang for their $. F-commerce is a more transparent way to market their products and brands in Europe and the US.
BricPartner the Business Partner search experts for the Bric region