"Companies need to focus their Export strategy on Growth markets having a plan for the Bric's is vital"
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Bric Partner Connections

The Bric's Countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are very different but there are still strong enough Connections to ensure the Bric Partnership to flourish. By being different they become similar enough to support each other. Two of the Bric's Partner are strong democracies Two are different and one is not a democracy, Two of the Bric Partners are the world's biggest exporters of commodities and two of the Bric Counties are the world's biggest importers. The individual wealth amongst the Bric countries is also very different.
Even though the Bric's countries are very different experts feel there is enough similarity's amongst the Bric countries to reach common ground and to be able to support each other. The Bric's Partners of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa share common ground as they all have experienced tremendous growth over the last 10 years and they have all successfully adapted to the globalization process. They also all have a fast growing middle class which is fueling demand for consumer products. So there are a lot of shared experiences to unite the group and ensure as a group the Bric Partners have more impact on the world's stage.
With the new challenges in the world as a group the Bric countries can learn from each other and with the shared experiences they will only move closer.
BricPartner the Business Partner search experts for the Bric region