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Bric Region Mining Report: The latest inside news and information on the Mining industry in the Bric Region.

If you were to pick one industry that best demonstrates the strong connections between the Bric countries that industry would be the mining industry. The Bric countries play a dominant role in the Global Mining Business in terms of reserves, production and consumption. The Mining Industry across the 5 Bric Partner countries is expected to grow at an impressive 7% in 2013 which is slightly lower than the 9% recorded over the last 5 years across the mining industry in the Brics counties. The leading two minerals across all 5 Bric countries is Iron ore and coal with Brazil the world’s largest producer and China the world’s largest consumer of Iron Ore. Investments are pouring into the Mining sector in the Bric Region to the detriment of Mining operations in Europe and the US this is mainly due to their lower cost base and more relaxed governmental controls, there is still considerable potential for the discovery of other world class-deposits in areas yet to be fully explored in the Bric countries. The Bric region has an immense resource base and now enormous economic and political clout. With the growth in the mining industry they are mining powerhouses that will dominate for generations.
BricPartner delivers unprecedented intelligence, news and market facts for the mining industry across the Bric Region. BricPartners ''Bric Region Mining Report'' is a resource of information to help our clients in the mining industry keep in touch with what is happening across the Mining industry in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Our ‘’Bric Region Mining Report’’ contains mining news, market data, market intelligence and company names which will help you get a complete overview of the mining sector across the Bric nations.
The cost of the ''Bric Region Mining Report is $ 1588 USD
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A brief Overview of Mining in the Brics Countries
Brazil:The growth in the mining sector in Brazil will remain strong as Brazil is a world leader in mineral resources and with increase internal and external investment the Mining industry will only grow stronger. Brazilian mines will need to invest heavily in environmental technology as a lot of the Brazilian mines are in or close to ecological sensitive sites such as the Amazon basin. Brazil relies heavily on the Iron ore industry which represents 70% of its mining activities and as China takes over 45% of Brazilian iron ore what happens in its BricPartner China will very much influence how the mining sector grows across Brazil. Security also needs to be improved at mines and particularly at gold mines so there are good opportunities for companies who provide technology and services in this area.
Russia: Out of all the Bric nations the Russian mining industry probably is the most understated when compared to its BricPartners this is more to do with the fact that it has such a dominant Oil and Gas industry than a lack of resources and opportunities in the mining industry across Russia. Recent estimates state that Russia has over 20% of the world’s coal and iron ore reserves and its mining industry represents over 13% of the worlds global mining actives. Russia also has good resources of Gold, Diamonds, Palladium and magnesium compounds. With increased investment in Russia’s aging mining infrastructure then the mining industry in this Bric nation will gain stronger traction and possibly Russia will become more of an important player in the mining industry and more compared to its fellow Bric Partners. BricPartner states that as Russian mining Technology tend to be on average up 68% older than the average across the mining industry in the leading G20 countries. The mining industry in Russia is attracting investment to help it improve its efficiency and compete with other leading mining nations
India: The mining industry in India was worth over US$22bn between 2006 and 2011 and since 2006 the mining industry is growing at an average yearly rate of over 10%. The demand for mining machinery in India is expected to grow by over 50% for the next 4 years to grow to be worth US$4.4bn year on year by 2015. The growing mining industry in India is expected to attract large outside investment over the coming years to help it modernize and become a key mining nation. Coal is the dominant resource mined in India which represents over 50% of total mining activities, iron ore is also an increasing resource mined in India as well as Limestone. The government is seen as a key player in future development in the mining sector as it needs to further liberalize its mining sector to encourage foreign investment (FDI) to improve the mining industry across Indianan sub continent.
China: As China is seen as the world’s factory floor this Bric country is the most hungry for the world’s mineral resources. It’s not only the manufacturing sector in China where there is a strong demand but also in the Energy and Construction sectors as well. The Chinese mining industry is set to continue its strong growth that it’s experienced over the last 10 years. China does have a lot of its own natural resources but it does import a lot of minerals so further investment is needed in its own mining sector to help it exploit its own mineral resources. Like India coal dominates mining activities in China and in recent reports it’s been stated that China will increase coal production by over 30% year on year to meet its growing Energy needs. The Coal industry in China represents over 68% of total mining activities in China and the mining of metallic resources represents 20% of mining activities across China. The China mining industry grew by over 18% in 2011 and 2012 is expected to produce similar results.
South Africa: The mining industry in South Africa is quite mixed; the mining of mineral resources such as Gold, Diamonds and Platinum is an advance industry in South Africa due to local and foreign investment in this mining sector from market leading companies such as De Beers. Areas such as coal tends to be less well funded and therefore in urgent need of investment which is now happening with increased investment in the Coal mining sector. South Africa has invested in recent years building new coal fired power stations which are increasing the demand for coal in South Africa. The mining Industry in SA is expected to grow by over 5% in 2012 and South Africa is looking to increase its exports of coal to its Bric Partners China and India over the next few years To aid with its export of Coal to its BricPartners SA is building the world’s largest coal terminal ‘’ The Richards Bay Coal Terminal’’ to meet the demand for its coal. In total Coal represents about 66% of the total mining activities in South Africa.
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