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European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
2011-09-07 source http://www.europeanchamber.com.cnPurpose As the independent voice of European business in China, we seek greater market access and improved operating conditions for European companies. Services
We provide European business with an effective communication and lobbying channel to the European and Chinese authorities, business associations and media.
We ensure our key recommendations and lobbying strategies are shaped by business through our members' Working Groups.
We monitor China's compliance with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other international commitments which impact on doing business in China.
We support companies with an information platform on business and market conditions in China.
We help companies expand their networks of European and Chinese business contacts.
We promote sharing of knowledge and experience between European and Chinese business.
We are an independent, non-profit organisation governed by our members.
We work for the benefit of European business as a whole.
We operate as a single, networked organisation across Mainland China.
We maintain close, constructive relations with the Chinese and European authorities while retaining our independence.
We seek the broadest possible representation of European business in China within our membership: large, medium and small enterprises from all business sectors and European Member States throughout China.
We operate in accordance with Chinese law and regulations.
We treat all our members, business partners and employees with fairness and integrity.
General Background The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China was originally founded by 51 member companies based in China on 19th October 2000. The rationale for the establishment of the Chamber was actually based on the need of the European Union and local European businesses to find a common voice for the various business sectors. Eleven years since its foundation, the European Chamber now has a total of more than 1600 members in nine cities: Beijing, Chengdu & Chonqing, Nanjing, Pearl River Delta (Guangzhou and Shenzhen), Shanghai, Shenyang and Tianjin. The Chamber is recognised by the European Commission and the Chinese Authorities as the official voice of European Business in China.
The European Chamber is a member driven non-profit fee-based organisation with a core structure of 34 Working Groups and Forums representing European business in China. It is recognised as a Foreign Chamber of Commerce with the Ministry of Commerce and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.
The European Chamber is directed by the European Chamber Executive Committee, made up of representatives from various European Members States. Advisory Council provides the Executive Committee with advice on its strategic direction but undertakes no business tasks. The Advisory Council consists of 27 corporate sponsors, who influence key decision makers on recent issues concerning European Business in China. They are involved in briefings with Commissioners and high level meetings such as the annual Brussels Circuit when the Position Paper is delivered by the President of the European Chamber to the European Commission.
The Supervisory Board consists of members from the European Union Member States and meets bi-annually to discuss the strategy of the European Chamber and provides its input to the Executive Committee.
Each Chapter is managed at the local level by Local Boards reporting directly to the Executive Committee. They meet on a monthly basis to discuss local issues.
To download the European Chamber's brochure in English click here and in Chinese click here.
The European Chamber is part of the growing network of European Business Organisations (EBO). This network connects European business associations and chambers of commerce from 20 countries around the world. To view more information on the EBO network benefits.
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