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Growth with in the Bric's Partners

In 2012 the Bric's region will experience impressive growth compared to other developed markets in the world. Even through growth rates for 2012 will be strong its expected that growth in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will be lower than it was in 2011. Overall growth in the Brics Partners is still powering ahead as the Bric's region continues to be the engine room for the world's economic growth.
In 2012 the Russian economy is expected to grow by 3.2% which is almost half the rate of China and India. Last year the Russian economy grew at a rapid rate mainly due to the increase in the oil price partly due to the Arab spring in the middle east. Russia is the world's largest exporter of Oil and Gas which helped its economy grow by 4.3% since 2011. Economist believe that Russia's economy will grow by 3.2% in 2012 which is still impressive comparable to other European economies. With the growing uncertainty in the global economy then this will affect Oil demand which would impact on the Russian's economy and therefore its GDP growth for 2012. Russia hopes any slow down in Oil demand will not be like 2009 where Oil demand decreased by over 30% which lead to Russia's worst recession in the country's history.
With Russia's Bric Partner Brazil growth in 2011 dropped compared to its GDP growth of over 7% in 2010, Brazil's GDP growth in 2011 was 3% . To boost growth in Brazil the government has lowered interest rates and cut a wide range of taxes. When the global economic crises struck the world Brazil was hailed as a shining light for economic growth in the world. Now that GDP growth in Brazil is slowing to a more conservative amount its revealing deeper problems in the structure of the Brazilian economy that Brazil has a fix so that it can keep up with the GDP growth rates of its Bric Partners China and India.
The leader in terms of growth out of all the Bric Partner countries is China whose economy continues to steam ahead, overall China's GDP represents half of the total GDP of the Bric Group. In Shanghai which is a city at the heart of China's commercial development business analysis watch careful economic data that signal China's economy is slowing down. In 2012 China will not grow at or near double digits like it has over the last decades but still China expects to grow by over 7% in 2012 which is down on the 9% that China grew in 2011. China is looking to boost internal consumer spending so as to compensate for the continued slowing of economies in Western Europe. China's inflation target remains at 4% but the message in China is steady as it goes as China wants to avoid any shocks before the important handover of political power as a new leader is chosen.
Out of the last of the major Bric Partners India is trying a difficult balancing act of rapid growth whilst keeping a lid on inflation. To aid economic growth India has just cut interest rates by 0.5% from 8.5% to 8% which surprised quite a few economic experts that the cut was so large. The largest cut in India's base rate by the Reserve Bank of India is a sign that India is focusing more on growth than inflation. The GDP growth in India since 2012 is expected to be the slowest in the last few years but still it will be between 7 to 7.5% for this year. 2012 India expects its GDP rate will be slightly down on the 2011 figure of 8.8% and inflation is expected to be at 7% for 2012.
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