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Mobile AD Spending growing by 100% in the Bric Region

Overall spending limits for Mobile AD's has increase by 100% in the Bric region from July 2010 to July 2011 and the highest growth is in China and Brazil and for the next 12 months this growth will more then double. Its Expected Mobile Advertising in China will reach nearly 1 Billion dollars per year for 2012. Russia mobile web use will go from nearly 30% now to over 40% by 2014 and growth rates in Brazil, China, India and South Africa will be even more dramatic. BricPartner expects India will achieve triple digit growth in mobile web use by 2015 and in Brazil 1 in 10 users surf the web using there mobiles and by the end of 2015 it will be 4 in 10. In China over 390 million people have mobile which is more mobile phones then the total population of the United States and by the end of 2015 over 600 million users in China will be using there smart phones for web search.
BricPartner the Business Partner search experts for the Bric region