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Russia's Solution for its annual 40 million Tonnes of Waste

Russia's Ruling Party is going into Partnership with a State run Technology Firm
Russia Produces an annual 40 million Tonnes of Waste, Rubbish, Trash or what ever you like to call it At the moment Russia refuse collection systems are very old fashioned and rely on Old Technology and lots of Manpower. With the recycling industry in its infancy and quite fragmented with a lot of quite small waste collection enterprises dominating there local market a new state backed Waste collection business is about to take on this € 1.3 billion euro industry.
Russian Technologies which is part of the states apparatus is going into a joint Venture with the ruling Russian party '' United Russia '' to create a national waste collection business that is set to clean up the Waste and refuse collection and treatment industry across Russia. Its expected that with in 2 to 3 years this new enterprise will be the dominant player in Russia's € 1.3 billion euros waste and refuse collection industry. There has been a lot of pressure put onto local Government by there populations to improve the waste collection and disposal services across Russia. Cee-Environmental.com belives that this very Russian solution will greatly improve the waste and recycling industries across Russia. With its large state back resources then investment in modern waste and recycling technology will be a priority and sees Manufactures of modern waste and recycling technology targeting Russia for its excellent opportunities across the region.
At the moment Waste collection in Russia tends to be done by smaller operators which use old technology and lots of manpower so this new waste collection venture with modern western waste and recycling technology will greatly improve Russia industry. Cee-Environmental expects this venture to be successful in capture a large share of Russia 1.3 billion euro Waste and Russia collection business. At the moment over 50% of the cities population have to travel at least 5 km to recycle and dispose there waste so with modern collection services and systems in place then they will be successful in capturing a large share and dominating the market.
A spokesperson for the ecology sector in Russia stated to Cee-Environmental that the Russia population is now ready for modern collection services and happy to pay for use of these services.
We believe as this venture is state run then overcoming the normal red tape issues in Russia will be easily overcome and buying the best and most up to date waste and recycling treatment and collection technology will be a great improvement for the whole of Russia 1.3 billion euro industry.
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