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Severn Trent Services wins contract to build largest denitrification system in China

Severn Trent Services (STS) has been awarded a contract to provide wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Zhang Gui Zhuang (ZGZ) with a deep bed denitrification system in Tianjin, China.
Increasing the quality of wastewater treatment, sludge processing and water reuse will be a core part of the project, which is set to create the largest deep bed denitrification installation in China. It will also help the ZGZ plant meet strict Class IA effluent discharge standards.
The contract was awarded to water and wastewater suppliers STS by Anhui Genda Environ, the contractor for first phase clarifier and filter installation of the new WWTP.
STS have anticipated that its TETRA Denite denitrification system, which removes total phosphorous, nitrogen and suspended solids from discharge simultaneously, will act as a role model for wastewater treatment, sludge processing and water reuse in China and encourage other treatment plants to take up the technology.
STS vice president of international sales, Marwan Nesicolaci, said: "In recent years, the TETRA Denite process has helped dramatically improve wastewater quality at other treatment plants across China, helping those plants meet the stringent Class IA effluent discharge standards through the simultaneous removal of total nitrogen, total phosphorous and suspended solids."
Meanwhile, Mr Nesicolaci said that STS wastewater treatment solutions are well suited to keep up with China's fast-growing environmental management demands as the operation offers a small economic footprint and is low maintenance.
He said: "STS TETRA wastewater filtration systems have been installed throughout the world in secondary, tertiary and advanced wastewater treatment applications for more than 30 years.
"While new and improved wastewater treatment technologies are continuously being developed, fixed-film biological deep bed denitrification filters continue to set the standard for meeting the stringent limits required for advanced wastewater treatment."
The new Zhang Gui Zhuang WWTP will be located in Yao Liu Qiao County, Dong Li district, and will treat wastewater for a service area that spans 17,500 hectares. The first phase of the project will treat 200,000cu m a day. Following completion of the project, the district will be able to increase its wastewater treatment rate to more than 95%, while also helping to meet the future sanitary needs of new towns in the area.
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