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Siemens VAI Metal Technologies

Siemens VAI Metal Technologies is the only company in Brazil to supply Mechanical, Electrical and Automation solutions from one Source to the Steel Industry. Siemens VAI stands for Innovation and Sustainability, they focus on modernization, services and additionally in Brazil on Turnkey projects. In the last few years Siemens VAI has been very successful in providing its technologies and solutions for all the major steel producers in Brazil. Siemens VAI is very proud of its record in Brazil and the opportunity it has in the future of this Bric country and its rapid development.
In 2010 Siemens VAI Successfully started up a new steel plant near RIO Janeiro which is the most modern steel plant in Latin America. This Steel Plant has 2 330 Tonne Converters, Electro Static Precipitators for Primary Testing, Secondary Metallurgy and Two Strength Slab Castors.
Siemens VAI Slogan in Brazil is your Partner for Leadership. Siemens VAI is very motivated to keep growing and developing in Brazil and will further concentrate its efforts to remain a key player in the Brazilian Steel market and from its strong market position in Brazil it will look other Strong Business Partners through out Latin America.
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