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The Brics Mining Industry: 7 key facts

1. Iron Ore and Coal are the dominate resources mined in the Bric region.
2. Coal dominates the Mining industry in China, India, Russia and South Africa with it representing 75% of all the total minerals mined in China, these 4 countries are all in the top 6 of world producers.
3. In Brazil Iron Ore represents 75% of all the Minerals mined and China consumes over 40% of this. Brazil is also dominant in Niobium, Manganese, Tantalum, bauxite, Gold and Copper .
4. Russia is the world's largest producer of Nixel and Diamonds, it's the leading coal producer in Europe and also has large resources of Chromium, Palladium, Platinum, Zirconium, Iron Ore, Gold and Copper.
5. China Produces 90% of the world's rare earth minerals it's also a leading producer of Coal, Gypsum, Salt and Magnesium.
6. India is the world's 4th largest producer of Coal and Iron Ore and has major resources of bauxite, titanium ore, chromite,diamonds and limestone.
7. South Africa has the world's largest reserves of Gold, Diamonds, Platinum, PGMs, Chromite Ore, Magnesium and Vanadium and is also Africans largest producer of Coal and Iron Ore.Click here to view our BricPartner movie for the Mining Industry in the Bric region
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